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we need a new plan

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we need a new plan Empty we need a new plan

Post by Dragon Goddess Nohime Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:09 pm

any ideas?
Dragon Goddess Nohime
Dragon Goddess Nohime

Number of posts : 391
Age : 32
Location : Wherever I Want to Be.
marriage/dating/engaged(rp wise) : Single
dragon(s) : None
Registration date : 2008-03-15

Character sheet
we need a new plan Left_bar_bleue100000000/100000000we need a new plan Empty_bar_bleue  (100000000/100000000)
we need a new plan Left_bar_bleue100000000/100000000we need a new plan Empty_bar_bleue  (100000000/100000000)


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we need a new plan Empty Re: we need a new plan

Post by Dragon God croc Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:18 pm

Dragon God croc
Dragon God croc

Number of posts : 164
Age : 31
Location : riding my dragon around so who cares
dragon(s) : stromatic and darkflare
Registration date : 2008-03-14

Character sheet
we need a new plan Left_bar_bleue10000000/10000000we need a new plan Empty_bar_bleue  (10000000/10000000)
we need a new plan Left_bar_bleue10000000/10000000we need a new plan Empty_bar_bleue  (10000000/10000000)


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we need a new plan Empty Re: we need a new plan

Post by Dragon Goddess Nohime Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:20 pm

Dragon Goddess Nohime
Dragon Goddess Nohime

Number of posts : 391
Age : 32
Location : Wherever I Want to Be.
marriage/dating/engaged(rp wise) : Single
dragon(s) : None
Registration date : 2008-03-15

Character sheet
we need a new plan Left_bar_bleue100000000/100000000we need a new plan Empty_bar_bleue  (100000000/100000000)
we need a new plan Left_bar_bleue100000000/100000000we need a new plan Empty_bar_bleue  (100000000/100000000)


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we need a new plan Empty Re: we need a new plan

Post by Dragon Goddess Nohime Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:32 pm

me:i have a plan i say we kill the mortals
Dragon Goddess Nohime
Dragon Goddess Nohime

Number of posts : 391
Age : 32
Location : Wherever I Want to Be.
marriage/dating/engaged(rp wise) : Single
dragon(s) : None
Registration date : 2008-03-15

Character sheet
we need a new plan Left_bar_bleue100000000/100000000we need a new plan Empty_bar_bleue  (100000000/100000000)
we need a new plan Left_bar_bleue100000000/100000000we need a new plan Empty_bar_bleue  (100000000/100000000)


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we need a new plan Empty Re: we need a new plan

Post by Sir Dice Lloyd Draco jr Wed Mar 19, 2008 5:17 pm

*walk in * yes kill them the're weak
Sir Dice Lloyd Draco jr
Sir Dice Lloyd Draco jr

Number of posts : 144
Registration date : 2008-03-15

Character sheet
we need a new plan Left_bar_bleue5000/5000we need a new plan Empty_bar_bleue  (5000/5000)
we need a new plan Left_bar_bleue5000/5000we need a new plan Empty_bar_bleue  (5000/5000)

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