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Looking for a ladie to be my Queen

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Looking for a ladie to be my Queen Empty Looking for a ladie to be my Queen

Post by Sir Dice Lloyd Draco jr Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:06 pm

all i can do is promise trust ,commitminet and love ,and more
Sir Dice Lloyd Draco jr
Sir Dice Lloyd Draco jr

Number of posts : 144
Registration date : 2008-03-15

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Looking for a ladie to be my Queen Left_bar_bleue5000/5000Looking for a ladie to be my Queen Empty_bar_bleue  (5000/5000)
Looking for a ladie to be my Queen Left_bar_bleue5000/5000Looking for a ladie to be my Queen Empty_bar_bleue  (5000/5000)

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